
Musings of an Ottawa-based information collector, whose wonky vision of the world provides either meaningful insights or astigmatic ramblings. You be the judge.

Who is writing this stuff? Ian Hornby is based in Ottawa, Canada and is the sole writer of this blog. Any errors, omissions, or unintended offence is solely the responsibility of the author.

My business web site is http://www.brattlestreet.ca

From the dictionary: “(the) vernacular: the language or dialect spoken by the ordinary people in a particular country or region: he wrote in the vernacular to reach a larger audience.” Close enough for me.

Use of media This blog supports a person’s intellectual property rights. Photos will be used with legitimate licences, or within the terms of reasonable use. I will try to remember to provide the source of each image at the bottom of each post. Quotes from other authors will be referenced.

Cover Photo: My own photo, looking out from Cambridge Bay, Nunavut, Canada – 69º North (Arctic Circle is at 66º). This photo was taken on at 10:00 on January 30, when the sun had basically reached the day’s apogee. Thus about three hours of sunlight, with sundown at around noon. It was -35ºC that day; with a wind chill of -53º. You just dress for it.

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